Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fashion Week and more...

Tis the season of Fashion Week. I know its been a while since I have posted but I Had a legitimate reason. I mean all my energy was going towards participating in and attending fashion week shows 2013! 

This year I had the pleasure of volunteering and Attending Couture Fashion Week New York. Lets just say it was a very exciting moment for me. I met several designers and was able to see designs from various designers around the world and related to different cultures! 

Now a majority of the world doesnt understand the time and effort it takes to a get a model strutting down the runway! That quote really does hold merit "Beauty is pain". I was lucky enough to be able to see the step by step process to prepare for the runway.

Unlike other fashion shows there was a team hired to do hair and makeup for the runways. I think everyone really showed their creative sides! The Energy was amazing! Here are a few snaps of the models getting ready! Yours truly was a part of the excitement! 

Now All my pictures are of different designers but the one's I enjoyed seeing and thought where really avant guarde where Harumi Momota  and Jorge Afanador. Check out my was a great runway! 

As you can see a lot of chiffon and velvets were being used on the gowns. And another surprising material was this cotton woven netting. Very Avant Guarde to me!! 

It's really awesome that shows like New York Couture Fashion Week exist, lets all of us come together in huge Designer Melting Pot! 

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